Directorates of studies & StudiesServiceCenters

General information about studying at the University of Vienna is available on the website "Studying at the University of Vienna". The website also provides an overview of the University of Vienna's whole range of degree programmes. Furthermore, you can inform yourself about the admission procedure. 

Upon admission to your degree programme, 55 directorates of studies (SPL) are responsible for your studies. They plan the teaching programme and decide on study law and study organisation. StudiesServiceCenters (SSC) and StudiesServiceUnits (SSSt) support the directorates of studies.

Bachelor's, master's, diploma & teacher education programmes (mostly in German)

Doctoral programmes (mostly in German)

The Center for Doctoral Studies advises on and informs about doctoral studies at the University of Vienna (structure, financial support, etc.) and provides a broad range of events and workshops to doctoral candidates.

Our directorates of doctoral studies (DSPL) and StudiesServiceCenters (SSC) are responsible for the study law and study organisation of doctoral programmes.

The Studienpräses of the University of Vienna

The Studienpräses is the officer responsible for the implementation of the study law and ensures the best possible support for students in the area of study law at the University of Vienna.

The Studienpräses is responsible for numerous and varied areas. The responsibilities are defined in the 2002 Universities Act and in the Statutes of the University of Vienna (section 3, Studienpräses). Directorates of studies provide their expert knowledge to the Studienpräses for fulfilling these responsibilities.